lakes entrance streetscape

Lakes Entrance Streetscape

LEADA has been instrumental in assisting the East Gippsland Shire Council in implementing the new Lakes Entrance Streetscape project.

There will be further updates as the project progresses, with the first stage being enacted by end of 2016-2017.

East Gippsland Shire Council recently appointed town centre revitalisation experts MRCagney to undertake a Lakes Entrance CBD Improvement and Streetscaping Project. The project will be used to guide physical improvements to the town centre over the next two plus years.

MRCagney, and partners John Mongard Landscape Architects, will team with East Gippsland Shire to develop a long-term master plan for the CBD as well as designing projects for more immediate construction.

You can download the full Lakes Entrance Streetscape Project plan here.

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