Become a member today


Your elected LEADA representatives are working hard for Lakes Entrance.

Please support us by becoming a member and providing us with feedback on what priorities you would like us to pursue.


Individual membership is available for $10 per year. 

Businesses: The Business Tourism and Events Committee is currently working on a Membership Prospectus.  Please sign up as an individual member to be kept informed on our progress.  We have some exciting plans ahead (February 2025).

Town Meeting

LEADA is currently working on the next town meeting.  To be informed of our next town meeting, please sign up as a member.

Lakes Entrance always needs your support and ideas to continue prospering.  Please come along to our next town meeting and contribute what you can.

At our last town meeting, in October 2024, a panel outlined their views on priorities for Lakes Entrance over the next few years.

The panel consisted of:

Fiona Weigall – EG Shire Council CEO

Andrea Lane – Float Organiser

Bruce Hurley – LEADA Infrastructure Chair.

Chair: Jeff Wilson.

Purposes of the Association are:

Represent and advocate for the advancement of Lakes Entrance socially and economically and for the protection of it’s environment.

Maintain constructive communication with East Gippsland Shire Council, State and Federal Governments and funding and planning authorities to ensure infrastructure and facilities in Lakes Entrance continue to improve.


LEADA has changed to become a community based organisation, with a Business, Tourism & Events committee within LEADA.

It has a new Committee that has its main goal to represent and advocate for a facelift to Lakes Entrance, through a range of new infrastructure projects.

Main ones being upgrading the CBD and foreshore area, developing Bullock Island, constructing a viewing platform at Jemmys Point, developing a multi function indoor sport and activity centre and improving Lakes Entrance walks and landscaping. LEADA needs the support of all community members.


Connect with other community members and local business owners. LEADA will put you in touch with others who care about Lakes Entrance, through regular member meetings and town meetings to hear about progress made and work out future priorities for action. LEADA keeps you informed on what’s happening in and being planned for Lakes Entrance with regular email, social media updates and press releases. Be in the know!


LEADA has strong links to all tiers of Government and Government authorities. It meets regularly with the EG Shire and local members to advocate for the improvement of Lakes Entrance.

It will develop partnerships to apply for Goverment money and to encourage private investment.


Business, Tourism & Events: Sharen Cameron – Chairperson 

Infrastructure: Bruce Hurley – Chairperson


Meeting of LEADA Management Committee – 
1st Tuesday of every second month at 5:00 pm at Gippsland Lakes Community Health Centre – Bakewell Room

Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st of April