
September 2020 Update –

The lower Jemmys Point (Hotel Road) lookout now been completed and was opened
last Friday. The Project took longer than planned, from conception to completion,
and lessons will be learned from this venture. Even so, the final result has seen a
remarkable transition from an old elevated deck to a modern all abilities viewing
platform that provides much improved viewing of the entrance and the lakes system.
Plans for the upper lookout are still under consideration by Council after wide
ranging comments and suggestions were sought, and received, from the community.
LEADA has been supportive of the updated plan for an expansive viewing deck to be
built as stage one of this project, with options to undertake further work during Stage
Peter Sindrey LEADA’s vice president is LEADA’s representative on the project
group for Jemmy Point lookouts.

November 2019 Update –

At the quarterly meeting members present unanimously supported that construction work on replacing the existing lookout at Jemmy’s Point (Hotel Road) should be delayed until after the Christmas period.  In the first half of 2020 the lookout should be completed and consultation with the community commenced on the design concepts for the second lookout at Jemmy’s Point (Rotary Park)   

October 2019 Update – 

The work on the lookouts is proceeding.  First up is a lookout replacing the existing lookout at Hotel Road.    Many residents expressed their views on the design for this lookout via the survey on the Council’s website.  The design work has been completed and optimistically this lookout will be completed prior to Christmas.   There will be further consultation on the second lookout to be constructed at Rotary Park at Jemmy’s Point.

September 2019 Update – 

It looks like we are going to have two lookouts – one at the current site and one at the top of the hill at Rotary Park.  The reasons for this have been outlined on the Council’s website.  Importantly progress is being made to improve lookout facilities.  The replacement of the existing lookout platform is due to be completed before Christmas.  LEADA will continue to push for interpretive signage at the lookout, upgrading the walk from the lookout down to and along the lake and improvements to Rotary Park including the additional viewing platform.

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