LEBTA and Lakes Entrance Events

November 2020 Update – 

LEADA has been approached by both Lakes Entrance Business and Tourism Association and Lakes Entrance Events to combine efforts with LEADA asking LEADA to assist in establishing an active business sub group and an active events sub group.  These approaches have been supported as it helps to create a united voice for the town and also administrative savings such as insurance costs can be made.  If this occurs early next year LEADA will be seeking support from businesses and from people interested in helping organise events.  Progress on these discussions will be reported on in the combined December / January newsletter.

September 2020 Update – 

The organisation of events aimed at attracting tourists back to Lakes Entrance once
restrictions are lifted is an important part of the recovery. Unfortunately with the
demands arising out of the bushfires and Covid 19 the organisation known as Lakes
Entrance events has not been active of late. The committee has approached
LEADA to become a part of LEADA as one way to reactivate the committee. LEADA
has agreed to do this but needs residents interested in assisting with events to join
the events committee. There is funding available, if applied for, to assist the
organisation of events but preparation needs to start now.

Feb 2020 Update- 

Liaison continues with Lakes Entrance Business and Tourism Association and Lakes Entrance events to ensure that we understand each other’s roles, support each other and where necessary coordinate activities.  Good supportive working relationships have been established.

September 2019 Update –

Members may have heard that Lakes Entrance Business and Tourism Association (LEBTA) has reformed.  LEBTA will focus on marketing and promotion of Lakes Entrance and Lakes Entrance businesses.  LEADA will retain its focus on

  • Representing and advocating for the advancement of Lakes Entrance socially and economically and for the protection of its environment.
  • Developing constructive communication with East Gippsland Shire Council, State and Federal Governments and funding and planning authorities to ensure infrastructure and facilities in Lakes Entrance continue to improve.


LEADA intends to have discussions with businesses later in the year, as to the best way it can support them, get their input and encourage further development in our town.

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