Lakes Entrance Connect

Safer at the Junction

East Gippsland Shire Council recently submitted a $250,000 Public Safety Infrastructure Funding application to the Department of Justice.
The aim of the Public Safety Infrastructure Fund is to improve community safety, security and confidence in public places. The ‘Safer at the Junction’ Project targets the precinct from Barkes Avenue to Mechanics Street in Lakes Entrance.  Stage One aims to improve lighting across the precinct, way finding through improved signage and increase CCTV camera coverage in the ‘Junction Precinct’.

This project builds on the community consultation undertaken as part of the Lakes Entrance CBD Improvement Master Plan.  The community identified pedestrian fragmentation, excessive length, the lack of aesthetic appeal and the need for ‘one town not four’ as key contributors to the township’s inability to attract and retain pedestrians from end to end.
Over time, this has resulted in the CBD developing four different nodes that divide the town into a collection of fragmented clusters of activity. The Junction Precinct is one such area and it is hoped that the proposed improvement to lighting and security within the precinct will lead to more people utilising this important public space, where pedestrians can walk safely from the Esplanade through the precinct and utilise the off road car parking available in Gray Street.
The ‘Safer at the Junction’ Project is a good example of local government working with Victoria Police to deliver safer communities in East Gippsland.  Victoria Police, as a part of this project undertook a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Audit of the Lakes Entrance CBD.  This audit has formed the basis of the application and identified the importance of improving the lighting within the precinct.  Feedback was also provided from local residents and traders in the precinct regarding their usage of this public space. The project will also build on the planned upgrade of the pedestrian laneway that links the Esplanade with the Gray Street Car park.
The Shire expects to know the outcome of the Department of Justice Public Safety Infrastructure funding application by December 2016.  Keep your fingers crossed that we get these funds.

Lanewayz in Lakes

The Shire successfully sought funding from the Department of Justice and Regulation through their Graffiti Prevention Grants. This upgrade will reactivate the laneway in Lakes Entrance, from a derelict, tagged and unsafe area into one which promotes community interest and activity.
It will take a "green" approach that allows participation from young people, schools, local artists, police, traders and the broader community and the Council to co-design this public space. The engagement of our young people will provide a strong message that tagging and other activities can be replaced by positive projects that showcase commitment and creativity of young people.
Design work also continues on other projects identified as priorities in the Lakes Entrance CBD Master plan, and we will continue to provide you with updates on these projects in future newsletters.

Apex Park

The Shire continues to receive positive feedback via email, telephone and social media about Apex Park. The general consensus from the community is one of delight, appreciation for the play space and reports of increased usage since the upgrade.

Caretaker Period

During Caretaker Period, we are legally bound to not publish anything that may be seen to help or hinder candidates in the local government election on 22 October. Caretaker Period begins at midnight on September 20.

Until after the election, posts to the Council website and Your Say engagement portal are disabled and all comments are automatically quarantined for deletion. We are still able to answer direct messages via Twitter and you can always call us on 03 5153 9500 or, if using a landline, 1300 555 886.

If you'd like more information on the Caretaker Period, please visit our website.

Of course as soon as the Caretaker Period finishes at 6.00pm on 22 October, posting and commenting will return to normal. Thanks for your patience over these 32 days.




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