Bullock Island

September 2020 Update – 

The updated Bullock Island masterplan is being implemented and includes extension
of the road into a natural picnic area with BBQs and toilet block, a walk and bike path
around the island, seafood café and viewing platform at the fishing coop, repair and
extension of jetty on the south west corner, repairs to the sea wall and a new bridge
with pedestrian path. Most of this work is due to take place in 2021.
LEADA’s rep on the Bullock Island Reference Committee is Arthur Allen. As most
would know Arthur has a detailed knowledge of Bullock Island and has long
advocated for improvements to the Island and the Fishing Co op’s facilities.
Discussions have commenced to improve the Spit area which is adjacent to Bullock
Island to have weed removal, walking tracks with views to the island and a picnic
area near the lake beach.

August 2020 Update –

LEADA has been working with East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC) and others to update the Bullock
Island Masterplan. This updated plan was published in this week’s Lakes Post and is available on the
EGSC website. Comments on the plans can be sent to EGSC. LEADA would appreciate a copy of any
comments made.
LEADA’s rep on the Bullock Island Reference Committee is Arthur Allen. As most would know Arthur
has a detailed knowledge of Bullock Island and has long advocated for improvements to the Island
and the Fishing Coops facilities. Arthur’s persistence has paid off as improvement works have
commenced and will continue during 2020-21.

June 2020 Update – 

Friends of Bullock Island
• Do you love Lakes Entrance?
• Do you love Bullock Island?
• Do you enjoy the outdoors?
• Do you love to see improvements?
• Do you get satisfaction and joy from being part of something wonderful?
• Do you love BBQ’s?
If you answered yes to any of the above then LEADA needs you!!!!!

It is no secret that Bullock Island has not lived up to its full potential, however things are changing and
momentum is gaining and LEADA NEEDS YOU!!!
In late 2019, the East Gippsland Shire Council became the new land managers responsible for the public spaces
on Bullock Island, since that announcement over $8 million of Federal, State and Local Government funding
has been secured to replace the Bullock Island access bridge and assist with the staged implementation of the
Bullock Island Master Plan.
While all levels of Government and the private sector are doing their bit on the Island, LEADA needs us, the
community to step up and take pride and appreciation for the Island, that is why LEADA is calling for members
of the community to unite and re-establish the “Friends of Bullock Island” group to help care for the Island.
and to contribute ideas for its development
It is the enthusiasm, commitment and local knowledge within our community which is invaluable and essential
to the care of Bullock Island, the re-establishment of the Friends of Bullock Island will compliment the
extensive infrastructure improvements taking place.
If you are passionate about Bullock Island and keen to be involved in the improvement of one of Lakes
Entrance best assets then LEADA needs you!
Please contact Arthur Allen 0447 028 159 or Katie Zagami 0419 552 063
The first meeting of Friends of Bullock Island will be in early September.

May 2020 Update- 

Progress continues to be made on Bullock Island. Almost $10 million dollars has been made
available for improvements on the Island from allocations made by the Federal, State and Local
Governments and from LEFCOL. So expectations are high that significant changes will be made
during the 2020-21 and 2021-22 financial years. The changes will include toilet and picnic facilities,
bike and walking paths, landscaping works, seafood café and boardwalk next to LEFCOL, further
road improvements and a new bridge with bike and pedestrian access and upgrading the jetty on the
south west corner.

October 2019 Update – 

Yes the Council did reconsider its Bullock Island decision at its meeting on the 8th October and approved the partnership agreement between the Council and DELWP thus reversing its earlier decision.  LEADA made a presentation stressing the importance of Bullock Island to Lakes Entrance and in so doing was supported by 20 Lakes Entrance residents who attended the Council meeting.  Cr Dick Ellis moved the motion to approve the partnership agreement and this time it was passed unanimously.

What does this mean

  • Council will manage and take responsibility for the remaining crown land on Bullock Island
  • DELWP will take on the responsibility for repairing and maintaining the seawall
  • Depending on Government grants it will allow, with appropriate amendments, the staged implementation of the 2015 Master Plan for Bullock Island
  • The Council will make grant applications for Bullock Island developments to State and Federal Government
  • Capital improvements to deliver acceptable public use standards can commence immediately. These include road upgrade and a public toilet block
  • The provision of ongoing waste and litter service and native vegetation management by the Shire

Visit the Council’s web site for more information including the Bullock Island Masterplan

November 2019 Update –

With signing of the agreement between Council & DELWP there should be continuing development and improvements to the island during the next few years.  Work should commence in 2020 on improving roads and recreational areas, landscaping, toilet block and LEFCOL’s new seafood café and viewing platform.  In fact, early works on the existing dirt roads is already underway.

September 2019 Update –

Members would have received the press release about Bullock Island.   Last Council meeting made a very disappointing decision in voting not to approve a joint partnership with DELWP to manage the island and not to approve expenditure to upgrade the dirt road and to erect a toilet block on the south west corner.  The issue will come up again at the next Council meeting in Bairnsdale at 6pm on the 8th October.   To show the town’s concern it would be good if there were Lakes Entrance residents present in the public gallery at this meeting.   LEADA has requested permission to address the Council on the need to reverse their Bullock island decision.

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